Current mood : HAPPY!!!
Hi guys..
Disebabkan hubby tgh edit pictures tengah hari td..
So i X dpt nak upload gambar..
Now here some of it..
p/s: anybody who interested in learning photography or wanted to take your pictures/family pictures/weddings/events can contact me for more info.. :D
Idlan's Birthday Pictures..
Idlan's 2nd Birthday..
Current mood : HAPPY!!!
Yesterday is Idlan's 2nd birthday..
Happy Birthday My Prince!!
We went out yesterday..
Actually we dont know where to go..
So hubby drove us to Hartamas Shopping center..
Nothing interesting there..
Except for the view..
And we end up taking some pictures..
And bought real Caremal Ice Blended from Coffee Bean..
Then i told hubby i wanted to go to The Curve to window shop..
And i thought i can stop by Ikano Power Center..
I want to buy idlan some cloth at the Branded Outlet..
So we went there..
But idlan already asleep during our way there..
1st thing we did was do our Asar prayer..
Then we went to Tesco to eat some thailand food..
Only hubby ordered..
Sharing is caring maa...
Actually i dont feel hungry..
So i just take sikit from hubby to taste it..
Then we went to Cupcake Chic..
Although i sendiri buat cupcakes..
But i dont really actually eat mine..
Wah haha..
We bought 2 cupcakes..
Hubby choose Tiramisu cupcakes..
And for me a red velvet with cream cheese..
Still sleeping..
After posing for some pic snap at Cupcake Chic we went to Ikano..
And more picture taking went on until idlan is up..
And he also joined us for some picture snaps..
Then we went to shop for idlan new cloth..
After our marghrib prayer we wanted to go back to hubby's parents house..
So hubby bought some KFC bucket..
Just to celebrate idlan's birthday..
Coz masa we all jalan2 he was sleeping at all time..
Nak bg naik kiddy ride pun X leh..
Coz hes sleeping..
So mummy & daddy yg lebih2..
Gi makan la, makan cupcake la, ice blended la..
Who's birthday sebenarnya ni??
Oh yes..
We bought another Real Caremal Ice Blended from Coffee Bean..
Just before we went back to the car..
Yes..mummy & daddy is an Ice Blended crazy..
Beli pun idlan mana dpt..
X leh bg manis2 and sejuk2..
Idlan still batuk..
p/s: The pictures mmg X dpt nak upload today..hubby is editing it..will upload later.. :D
Lunch + Teatime..
Current mood : GOODY!!!

Hallo all..
Yesterday evening hubby wanted to eat out..
Just belanja-ing me and idlan..
He wanted to try a shop in Amcorp Mall..
A Thailand shop name Rak Thai..

The food was nice..
I ordered Pineapple Friend Rice and hubby Thai Tom Yam + rice..
My foods came in set with kerabu mangga, chicken pandan, fried taufu & fried fish cake..
Oh yes..
And a Thailand desert..
I love them all..
The price??
Not to pricey i guess..
p/s: more pics HERE..
What a weekend..
Current mood : TIRED!!!
Hi guys..
This weekend was tiring..
I have lots of cuppies order..
More to rush order actually..
And lots of invitation to fill..
But im glad..
Coz i like myself when im busy..
Except when idlan bothering me..
I like juggling time..
Once in a while eh..
Not all the time.. :P
Try to attend all party/wedding/open house..
And when im at home i fill my time with completing cuppies order..
For 2 days i slept at 5am in the morning..
On saturday i have a wedding and an open house..
And 3 set cuppies and 1 set cake order..
I bake some cuppies in the morning..
Went to a wedding at Bukit Antarabangsa in the afternoon..
Then i went straight to my cousin house in Danau Kota for her open house..
I reach home at 8pm...
Start to bake again coz i just receive another order..
Rush order..what else..
And time to design cuppies..
Until 4am then sleep time..
On sunday woke up at 8am..
Went to religion class..
With mama, inara, nieza & jannah..
Got home at 1pm and start to bake..
3 set of cuppies..
At 3pm..
Went to a birthday party..
Hana Aamira just turn 1..
Got home at 7pm..
And continue baking and designing cuppies..
Until 4am lg..
What a weekend for me & idlan..
Actually it was for me..
Idlan just follows me around..
p/s: More photos HERE..