23 Junk Food Malaysian Primary School Students in the 90s Used To Buy After School
3. Roti Ice-Cream - Yang ni nak beli memang mahal sikit dari junk food yang lain..tapi kalau ada duit memang beli...perisa dia tak menentu..bercampur-campur..but ada juga yg boleh diberi pilihan untuk pilih perasa apa dia nak..but selalunya mesti takde sbb kalau nad minta mesti vanilla..vanilla mmg susah nak dapat...

SOURCE : Funny Malaysia
Below this nad tambah sikit jajan yang nad ingat nad selalu makan masa dulu2 yang takde dlm list datas...
Ada lagi jajan yang nad tertinggal tak?
SIapa ada sila la komen..
1. Ice Pop - Banyak perisa ada..Milo, Sirap, Grape, Oren..Tapi yang paling popular ialah asam boi..nad mmg kurang sikit beli ais krim ni kecuali bebetul panas..nad suka grape..
2. Mi-Mi - Snek ni memang sedap..suka sangat2.. :D
4. Satay Ikan - yang ni memang sedap..Selalu dijual sebatang-sebatang...memang favorite sangat2..sampai la sekarang!!
5. “Fried Fish Fillet” – (Famous among the Chinese) - pada nad takde la famous among chinese je..coz nad and the whole family gilakan menda ni sejak dulu lagi..sampai sekarang pun we all still buy it..
6. Bika - I know this one but nad tak berapa minat..boleh dikira la beli berapa kali je..not to my taste bud..
7. “Pop Corn” Durian Flavor - Yang ni memang famous..memang antara keropok yang nad pasti beli...even though nad tak sangat makan durian but I love this one..sampai sekarang pun still beli lagi..
8. Toki - Know this one but not to my taste but.. i know one of my friends yang giler keropok ni..she will buy it everyday.. :D
9. WhiteRabbit sweet – (The wrapper on the inside can also be eaten) - yang ni tak perlu disebut-sebut lagi..memang one of my fav..sampai sekarang pun beli juga..selalu kalau gi supermarket beli groceries mesti cari gula2 ni..
10. Black & White Bubblegum – (It’s called Black & White, but it taste like grape) - this one memang sedap..but mom memang tak benarkan anak2 dia makan chewing gum..but nad dapat rasa sebab kawan selalu bagi..masa kecik bila orang bagi je kena amik.. :P
11. Yupi Mini Burger – (The pizza version wasn’t that happening) - Nad suka mini burger ni but not as much as yang diatas..memang kadang-2 je beli..now my 2 kids is crazy about the pizza version..coz the place that we go always doesn't have the burger version..
12. Big Foot - Love this one..you have to dip the lollipop foot inside the powder..the powder is so sour...
13. Push Pop - Love this one..always pretending that this was a lipstick with flavour..to to play dress-up wth my friends if we have this..A hit for my 2-kids as well nowdays..
14. Fancy Gems - In malay we called in Biskut Aiskrim..memang untill now I still buy it!! The kids love it so much..
15. Pepsi Blue – (We looked like idiots with blue tongue after drinking this) - Nowdays there is no more Pepsi Blue..But there is Lemon Blue only at the Bazaar Ramadhan.. :D
16. Choki Choki - Love it then but not so much now... It was my kids turn to love it..What kids doesn't love chocolate in a tube? hehe..still teringat iklan dia..Choki-Choki enak sekali... :D
17. Eye Glass with Candy - Nad tak berapa minat sangat yang ni..but seems like my daughter likes it..maybe because of colours..
18. Haw Flakes - This is my fav until now..my grandma taught us to eat this...everytime I see this it will remind me of my grandma..
19. Ais Krim Potong - love this one too...the popular one is the read beans..but I love the corn one much better...sorry nad punya taste but memang sedikit lain..perasa yg popular memang nad tak akan minat...
20. Don’t really know what is this called but it’s the best alternative for Sugus back then - yes...pengganti sugus.. :Di like the grape and strawberry... :D
21. Apollo’s Layer Cakes – (They always play this advertisement before and after the cartoons we used to watch back then. But mainly Dragon Ball cartoon) - Apollo Layer Cake is not really a fav for me..but I did see all my other friends love this a lot..siap bawa sebagai bekal ke sekolah.. :D
22. Hiro Chocolate Cake - This one my my fav..memang kena beli la..but sekarang memang susah sangat nak jumpe...
23. This Asam – (We are not sure what is this called but apparently it’s to cure dizziness and drowsiness) - part asam2 ni nad kurang minat..but sister suka gila..hehe.. :P
Below this nad tambah sikit jajan yang nad ingat nad selalu makan masa dulu2 yang takde dlm list datas...
24. Super Ring - Memang my fav Cheese Ring sampai la sekarang (WAJIB BELI) ternampak..bila melekat-lekat cheese kat jari last2 tu jilat habis...sedap!!! My daughter pun terikut-ikut nad suka super ring ni..my son memang tak makan jajan keropok...so ggod for him.. :D
25. Tam-Tam - seperti jajan keropok Mi-Mi kat atas tu ni adalah version lain..bentuk dia macam bentul bantal..the malays called it Keropok Bantal selalunya...if i have to choose between Tam-Tam and Mi-Mi..I will choose Tam-Tam until now!! :D
26. Pop Rocks - I love to eat this..It pops in your mouth..the popping sound is addictive..Adik lelaki Nad pernah ajak Nad buat eksperiment..dia campurkan pop rocks ni dalam air..but the taste is not that good walaupun gula semua dah larut..hehe...
Ada lagi jajan yang nad tertinggal tak?
SIapa ada sila la komen..
In anticipation of your valued response,
Ade satu lagi...tau tak snek jajan yg dibalut dengan kulit popia..rase manis2 gitu..time sekolah rendah dulu ade jual
Jajan..yg ada gambar baby pakai pampers je..jajan taik budak..
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