Current mood : HEHEHE..
Uda tag me this..
Here goes nothing...
20 years ago : 1985 (I was 2)
Was in Scotland...
Every single day i played with snow...
Lay down on it...
Make snow balls and throw it to my friend(mira) and my bro...
Build snowman...
Pee in the snow... :P
Dont want to take my bath because it was too cold...
When my grandparents came to Scotland to visit us then i had to take my bath...
because my grandma knows how to make me take my bath...
10 years ago : 1995 (I was 12)
Im in standard 6 at Sri Petaling School...
Always been punished to stand on the chair...
Sometimes even stand on the table...
Im quite a naughty gurl back then...
Especially when im with my P.I.C (Partner In Crime)...
His name is Ezra Adam...
He had a chinese & mat salleh looks...
Cute & tall...
He was my classmate and he sits beside me...
Our table is at the back of the class...
That makes us do more naughty stuff...
Throwing rubber to our friends head...
Passed short notes (nothing to do with the subject the teacher is teaching) around the class...
Talking, whispering & laughing...
And yes it all hapend when the teacher is teaching...
We cheated on quizes...
A lot of memories back then...
Cant tell u all of them..
Dont know what happen to him right now...
5 years ago : 2000 (I was 17)
This year supposed to be my crucial year of studying...
I'm in form 5 at that time...
In Assunta Secondary...
I'm very active in sports and PBSM (Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah) at that time...
I went out a lot...
Coz im too lazy too study..
More rumours about me been spreading out...
Dont want to talk about it...
3 years ago : 2002 ( I was 19)
Im studying in AIM...
Now is known as Unikl-IIM...
Im taking Multimedia Interactive course...
Nothing much to say...
Except a lot of assignments...
And going out... (SO-SIAL)
Last year : 2004 (I was 21)
My practical trainning year...
I had my practical at UDA Holdings Berhad...
I went for outstation a lot...
Penang, Perak, Johor, PD and more...
Very sweet memories when im there...
I even cried at my farewell party...
This year : 2005 (I am 22)
I call this year 'Year of Sadness, Sorrow & Pain'...
Dont want to talk about it...
This year also is my year of searching for jobs...
Been searching for a suitable job for me this whole year...
And now I got it...
It was and will always be my hobby to snap pictures...
Especially foods...
Right now im working as a photographer and studying about photography at the same time...
Im also been trying my luck in modelling...
Next year : 2006 (I will be 23)
I hope that im still working as a photographer...
I love the job...
Meeting new people...
Handling new attitude...
Its tiring but i love it...
Especially when it come to the photography session...
Im hoping by next year i have my own DSLR...
And have some money for me to go overseas to continue my studies...
10 years from now : 2015 (I will be 32, insyaAllah)
Im hoping that im one of the successful businesswoman in the world...
And own an empire..
I want to be rich so i can help unfortunate people with my money...
I love helping people...
But sometimes im the one that needed help...
But i dont care as long as i can help people...
So everbody...
Now is your turn...
samael, dayah, nazira, shaira, munmon, sarah, chegu, bizit, liyana, anni, hudz, abg, me, dak_penang, teru, khai, monster, afu & mirul...
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