Current mood : GOOD!!!
Here are the rules:
- The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover. - Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover. - Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog. - If you are tagged the second time. There is NO need to do this again. - Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
nad's answer...
1 - Islam & Lelaki 2 - Cinta nad 3 - Sayang nad 4 - Rindu nad 5 - Manjakan nad 6 - Jujur and jaga hati nad 7 - Pandai buat nad ketawa 8 - Boleh membimbing nad & bakal anak nad di dunia dan akhhirat
Nak kawin dengan siapa? Mohd Ezzaidy Mohd Rudy
Kawin dengan orang negeri mana? Sebelah ayah Sarawak & mak Perak Kenapa? Sebab dia dah mencuri hati nad
Kalau sebaliknya? Apa punya soalan ni??
Dah ada calon ke?Dah
Bila nak kawin? 17 Sept 2006 Hantaran kawin?Isyk..murah je..
Name 3 schools u went to : 1- Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang 2- Sekolah Alam Shah (2) 3- Sekolah Sri Petaling 4- Assunta Secondary School (saja tambah sbb sekolah rendah nad banyak sgt)
Name 3 things in ur purse/backpack/bag : 1- Handphones
2- Bank cards 3- Hubby's picture
Name 3 things u do when are really stressed : 1- Cry 2- Sleep 3- Scolding people
Name 3 places u go on a daily basis : 1- Uptown Kota Damansara / Midnight Walk Bazzar Selayang 2- My bedroom 3- Toilet
Name 3 favourite fruits : 1- Pear 2- Peach / Apricot 3- Jambu 3 names u go by :
1. Nadiah - usually used by my mom, auntie & uncle..(my dad calls me yaya/aya and my siblings calls me kaklong). 2. Nad / Nadd - well...I think almost everyone of my friend calls me by this name. 3. msS_naD - usually used in email or sms. 3 of ur favourite foods : 1- Wantan Mee Dry
2- Sizzling Mee 3- Mee Hoon Ladna
3 things ur wearing right now :
1. My undie and bra. 2. Blue Baby-T 3. Jeans knee lenght
The Whos
Who r in the house with u? Mama, abah, ecah, jannah, muaz
Who (or what) r u thinking about right now? My hubby & my bed Who did u last talk to on the phone? My hubby
Who do u sit next to in your class?'s a long time ago..Nora or Dilla or Kerry or Izzy or Rad or Bulart
Who was the last person u told u loved? My hubby
Who do u wish were right now? My hubby
Who gets on ur nerves the most at school? Gediks Girl (hahahaha)
The Wheres
Where do u live? Petaling Jaya
Where is ur phone? One is on the desk infront of me and one is in my bedroom.
Where do u sleep? On my bed in my bedroom
Where is the last place u took a ride to? Midnight Walk Bazzar Selayang
Where are u now? In front of the computer in the living room
The Whats
What was the last thing u ate? Mee Hoon Ladna
What colour shirt r u wearing? Im not wearing a shirt.
What is the closest item near u that is blue? My Baby - T
What do u like best about school? Friends
What is ur favourite colour? Pink
Blue White Black
What do u wear more: jeans or shorts? Jeans What is the last movie that u watched? The Holiday (tomorrow will be Norbit)
The WhensWhen did u start school? 5 yeras old
When is ur birthday? 17 January 1983
When did u last go to the mall? This afternoon
When was the last time u bought a pair of pants? I dont wear pants, only jeans
When did u last burn something? I cant remember
p/s: I tagged all who read my blog.. 

I hope, you will find the correct decision.
More precisely does not happen
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