Current mood : HUNGRY!!!
My mom just got back home this afternoon..
And guess what??
Like i said before..
Chocolate time!!
This is a bag of chocolates my mom brought home from Langkawi..
Amazing isnt it??
Sebab banyak giler chocolate..
Rasa nak lahap je semua hari ni gak..
Nad dah lahap beberapa jenis chocolate hari ni..
Sedap giler..
Lama X mkn coklat ni..
Lepas ni mesti tiap² hari mkn coklat sampai habis satu beg tu..
p/s: agaknya kalau tetiap hari mkn coklat, bdn naik X?? ;D
hmmmm.... sedap nyer choclate.... nak!!!! ;-)
p.s. tak.... mana ada naik bdn mkn choc. hari2.... tipu jer semua tue.... hehehe ;-)
hehehe..beli la sendiri..wekk!!
p/s: ye ke X naik bdn?? haha.. ;D
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