
Pak Ali Brunei Meninggal & Zuhrah Carmilla Reaction (Day 20 Ramadhan 2015)

Assalamualaikum & Innalillah hiwainna ilahirojiun...
One of my uncle that we called Pak Ali Brunei meninggal dunia selepas berbuka puasa tadi..
Dia meninggal di Hospital Beacon kerana kanser tahap 4..
Pak ALi Brunei is from my mother's side..


Yang susahnya is nak terangkan dekat Zuhrah Carmilla..
Sebab dia asyik ingat atuk dia (abah nad) yang meninggal..
Berkali-kali dia tanya..
Jawab apa yang boleh je...
Lagipun masa kami ke hospital tu memang abah takde..
Abah di masjid..
Bila kami nak balik baru abah sampai..

Untuk soalan Zuhrah Carmilla "Why Allah take atuk away?"
Nad bagitau dia "Allah will take back what he lend to us, like when you lend your toys to your brother or friends, you will want it back. Allah is like that. Because Allah only lend us our soul and one day Allah will take it back. That is why people died, because Allah take back what is his"
And to my surprise she understand that..
That is so clever of her..

Yang dia tak faham langsung is kenapa abah nad still hidup, boleh bercakap, bergerak & berjalan sebab tadi baru bagitau yang "Allah already take atuk away"

Terkejut Zuhrah Carmilla tengok atuk dia naik motor..
Sampai rumah PJ dia duk tanya nad "Mummy, why atuk is here? Why atuk not on the bed? Is this atuk can talk?"
Memang rasanya berkali-kali dia tanya nad..
Dia masih tak faham yang dia ada 2 atuk yg real and selainnya hanya berpangkat atuk dengan dia...
Then dia duk tanya "Why I have so many atuk?"
Pulak dah..
Memang tak terjawab dengan soalan-soalan dia...

Abah sendiri tak terjawab soalan dia..
But memang dia pandang abah pelik je and tanya macam2 soalan...
Pastu macam takut2 bila abah bercakap dengan dia..
Memang buat lawak sungguh la Zuhrah Carmilla...

And yes she did asked about "Are you going to die, mummy?"
"Yes , I will" I said
Then terus dia peluk nad and cakap "But I don't want you to die. I love you"
"I love you too. Insyaallah if you be a good girl and listen to me always, we will meet in heaven"
And she asked "When will Allah take you?"
Nad hanya cakap "I don't know. That is why you have to follow what I said everyday so you won't be disappointed later"
Pendek je dia jawab "Ok, mummy"
Sweet girl..

Idlan Shafy tak tanya banyak macam Zuhrah Carmilla...
Sebab dia pernah tanya tentang ni dulu...
Maybe dia dah faham...

In anticipation of your valued response,

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