
Taxi miss?? NO..NO..NO...

 Scared 2 
Current mood : SCARED

Cuak betul larr...
Just read something...

One of my friends foward it to me..

Really scared me off...

It was a about taxi drivers..

This makes me really scared to take taxi nowdays...
Even if someone is with me..
Actually nad pun mmg dr dulu X suka naik taxi..
Mama selalu pesan dr dulu lagi...
"Jangan naik teksi sorang², mesti berteman"
And i kept that in my mind until now..

If anyone asked me to ride a cab..
I will if im not alone..
And if im alone..
I will take other transportation with many people in it..

No matter apa org ckp kat nad..
Yg nad ni pengecut sgt nak naik teksi..
Nad ni fobia ke..
I still wont take the cab..

Better be careful sblm terkena..
Kalau dah kena nak buat apa lagi??
U cant change back what had happend..
Nasi dah jadi bubur..
X guna..
Tul X??

Seram tuh naik teksi sorang²...
All my life untill now..
I never ride in a taxi alone..

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