Current mood : WALLA!!!
Kali ni buat order utk enul..
Chocolate flavoured cupcake with buttercream icing..
50pcs mini cupcakes..
Design comel²..
Ni messages..
And 8pcs medium cupcakes..
For her beloved hubby..
Check out --> My Little Oven
Enul's Order..
My Little Oven..
Current mood : GOOD!!!
Guess what??
Nad dah buka another online store..
This time is for my cupcakes..
Sesiapa nak order sila la..
Just call me and place an order..
But make sure u all order two weeks before event date..
Takut lambat order nnt X cukup tangan nak buat..
Check out --> My Little Oven
Tagged By Mael..
Current mood : JOLLY!!!
Saya telah ditag oleh Mael. Hehe..
Sorry lambat buat..
Enam Random Facts/habits About Yourself
The Rules :
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
8 Random Facts
Fakta 1
Nad suka sangat makan..
Fakta 2
Nad suka jogging..
Fakta 3
Nad suka chocolate..
Fakta 4
Nad suka cake..especially cheese cake..and i love baking too..
Fakta 5
Nad suka ice lemon tea..
Fakta 6
Nad X suka orang yang senang je mulut dia keluarkan kata² F words or senang mencarut..especially perempuan..menjatuhkan maruah wanita je..
Fakta 7
Nad X suka drinkers..
Fakta 8
Nad juga X suka smokers..
9 Questions
1. What does true love mean to you?
2. How do you know you're really in love?
There will be glimps of his/her face in everything u do. Even in dreams. ;D
3. How many times in your life have you fallen in love?
I dont know..
4. Have you ever fallen out of true love because you were mad at the moment?
5. Do you feel love and physical attraction are the same thing?
No..I rather choose love than physical attraction..because phsical attraction dont last long..
6. If your true love became ill or disfigured would you continue to love them the same way?
7. Should anyone else be able to tell you who to love or not love?
8. Do you believe people that ended up divorced were ever truly in love?
Some of them might.
9. Would you give up something you want for someone you love?
If it is not haram in Islan then I WILL!!
I Tagged :
1) Kak Mie
2) Uda
3) Dayah
4) Shaira
Cake Decorating Class..
Current mood : HAPPY!!!
Guess what??
Nad masuk cake decorating class..
Mmg best giler la..
Class tu kat puchong..
Dekat umah kak ayu..
Dia la guru kitaorg..
Lemah lembut orangnya..
And penyabar..
Kelas dia bermula pagi..
Dr kul 10am sampai kul 1pm..
Lepas ni nad boleh la jual decorate cake nad cecantik..
Sepatutnya nad jumpe ngan adeq..
Kitaorg nak gi tengok baju baby dekat subang..
But X jadi..
Sbb idlan & arman demam..
Boleh plak diaorg demam pd masa yg sama..
Mcm dah buat appointment je diaorg ni nak demam sesama..
So adeq yg on the way balik ampang singgah umah nad dulu..
Nak singgah klinik sini..
Kitaorg pun gi la klinik sesama..
Lepas tu boleh plak keta old skool buat hal..
So adeq, arman & old skool terperangkap kat umah nad..
Tapi malam tu gak buat keta tu..
old kool betulkan sendiri..
Nad X tau apa masalahnya..
Dlm kul 3am baru keta siap..
Adeq, arman & old skool terus balik..
Dah lawat kan..
p/s: lepas ni nad nak buat blog utk amik tempahan cupcakes & cakes pula..dulu nad jual Xde decoration..jual cupcake kosong je..skrg dah tau mcm mana nak decor lagi seronok la nad nak jual.. :D
Check out our pictures --> Cake Decorating Class
Hari Keluarga BPM..
Current mood : TIRED!!!
Siang tadi mama ajak ke hari keluarga office mama..
Nad ikut sbb dah lama dah nad X gi..
Hubby X dpt ikut sbb dia kerja..
Kitaorg bertolak pagi..
Kul 7:45am dr umah..
Sampai sana dlm kul 8:30am..
Kat UPM je..
Sampai je kitaorg terus makan pagi dulu..
Ada kuih lapis, roti jala, sandwich & nasi goreng cina..
Ada air oren & teh..
Pilih mana suka..
Dlm 9:15am baru strat sukaneka..
Nad X dpt masuk bnyk sbb Xde sapa nak jaga idlan..
Tapi adik² nad bnyk take part...
Inara plak sanggup amik cuti semata-mata nak ke hari keluarga office mama..
Tapi nara & kimi tiba lewat..
Diaorg sempat join main kotak beracun je..
Family kitaorg ramai..
So dlm reramai tu ecah, jannah & kimi menang utk kotak beracun..
Lepas selesai sukaneka kitaorg masuk dewan..
Utk pembahagian hadiah & juga makan tengah hari..
Lepas tu balik la..
Apa lagi..
Penat tu..
Check out our pictures --> Hari Keluarga BPM
Current mood : GOOD!!!
Hari ahad lepas hubby bawa idlan & me to SOGO..
Memula tu X tau nak kemana..
Sbb bnyk tmpt dah pergi..
Lagipun nak jumpe adeq sekali..
Adeq mmg ada kat KL..
So last² gi SOGO..
Lagipun ada SOGO SALE..
Nad plak nak cari brg baby..
Kawan ibai & kawan hubby isteri dia bersalin...
Baby boy..
So nak belikan present la ni..
Sampai SOGO kitaorg cari brg baby utk jadikan present..
Lepas tu hubby ajak gi minum..
Saja buang masa sementara tunggu adeq & hubby dia sampai..
So kitaorg tunggu sambil mkn ABC & Hot Plate..
Beli satu je but kitaorg share..
Dah keyang sbb kat umah dah mkn dah..
Adeq & old skool sampai lepas marghrib..
Kitarog pun mmg keluar lewat tadi..
Lepas asar baru keluar..
Sbb tu leh tunggu sampai lepas marghrib..
Adeq kata nak beli long pants utk arman..
So kitaorg pun cari la..
X jumpe²..
Bila kitaorg dah putus asa tetiba jumpe plak kat section lain..
Lepas tu baru kitaorg keluar dr SOGO..
Masa tu pun nak tutup dah SOGO tu..
Kitaorg ke kg baru..
Makan nasi bubur..
Minggu depan X tau la kitaorg nak kemana pulak..
Semua tmpt rasa mcm dah pergi je..
Check out our pictures --> SOGO