
Mama's Small Birthday Party!!

Current mood : HAVING FUN

Right now i still feel the fun that i had this afternoon...
Today busu & pak ngah was here...
With their families of coz...

They came to celebrate mama's birthday...

Busu bought a cake for mama...

Riuh juga larr my house...

My bro & sis running around the house with their cousins...
Jannah even invited her friends to come over too...
Well...they actually is our neighbour...

As usual kalau org dtg umah...
We have too cook...
So...we cook lunch together...
All the ladies were at the back cooking...
Hmmm...except me....
Im infront of the TV watching CSI Sunday Supreme...
But im the one that has to peel & blend the onions....
So i have the excuse to be infront of the TV....

Naughty eh??

Well...just after CSI:NY i went to the kitchen...
Mama wants me to fry some fish...

Maknanya masuk kitchen gak larr...
Bukannya duduk depan TV jerr....

So for lunch we have :

Sotong goreng kunyit..
Udang masak lemak..
Ikan belanak goreng..
Ayam panggang...
Sayur campur..
Yong Tau Fu...

Epal, oranges & tembikai susu for desert...

After lunch baru larr mama potong cake...
Masa tu semua dah kenyang....
Jadi makan cake pun sikit jerr...
But me...
U all know im crazy bout cakes it...
I got to ate 3 slices....

Pastu bila org lain minta nak lagi i said "X bole, ader org lain X makan lagi"....

Im evil....

Hmmm...they all went back around 5 o'clock....
God..im exhausted...
Melayan bebudak punya kerenah...
Its not an easy job u know...

When they spill something we have to clean it...
Cant scold them...
Not my children...
Kena gak larr senyum monyet kat diaorg...

But it was fun...
Its not easy nak buat gath mcm ni....

Not much time i guess...
Semua sibuk jerr memanjang...

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